SANTA MONICA, CA – Consumer Watchdog today urged the Federal Trade Commission to file antitrust charges against Alphabet Inc.’s Google for using its monopoly power over the Android operating system to stifle competition and unfairly drive consumers to its own services.
Continue reading...3. March 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the wake of a Google self-driving car crashing into a bus, a coalition of consumer groups called on the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “to commit to maximum transparency and public involvement” as they develop policy and safety standards covering autonomous self-driving vehicles.
Continue reading...29. February 2016
SANTA MONICA, CA – A Valentine’s Day crash in which a self-driving Google robot car sideswiped a bus demonstrates the need for a police investigation and the release of technical data and video associated with the crash, Consumer Watchdog said today.
Continue reading...10. February 2016
SANTA MONICA, CA – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is wrong to say the artificial intelligence guiding an autonomous robot car counts as the driver, Consumer Watchdog said today, adding that Google’s own test data demonstrates the need for a human driver who can take control when necessary.
Continue reading...28. January 2016
Consumer Watchdog Backs California DMV’s Draft Robot Car Regulations Requiring A Driver Behind The Wheel
SACRAMENTO, CA – Consumer Watchdog today strongly endorsed the California Department of Motor Vehicles’ draft regulations for autonomous vehicles that require self-driving robot cars have a licensed driver behind the wheel capable of taking control, and a working steering wheel, gas pedal and brake.
Continue reading...21. January 2016
SANTA MONICA, CA – Google’s federal lobbying expenses in 2015 topped $16 million for the second year in a row, according to records just filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives and analyzed today by Consumer Watchdog.
Continue reading...12. January 2016
SANTA MONICA, CA – Google’s just released report detailing when human drivers took control of a self-driving robot car being tested underscores the need – as required by California DMV draft regulations – for a driver behind a steering wheel of a self-driving car, Consumer Watchdog said today.
Continue reading...6. January 2016
SANTA MONICA, CA – Consumers and regulators should not be fooled by the autonomous vehicle hype coming out of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Consumer Watchdog warned today.
Continue reading...10. August 2015
SANTA MONICA, CA – Google’s announcement today that it is creating a new holding company called “Alphabet” changes nothing about the company’s impact and challenges it poses for consumers, the nonprofit public interest group Consumer Watchdog said.
Continue reading...18. June 2015
SANTA MONICA, CA – The California Department of Motor Vehicles has reversed its policy and today said it would release accident reports about crashes involving self-driving cars that are being tested on public roads.
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20. April 2016